Joy Lorenzo Kennedy, PhD

Applied.  Developmental.  Contextual.  Evidence-Based.

I am a developmental psychologist, with expertise in language and literacy development, family engagement, and program evaluation. I combine over 20 years experience in quantitative and qualitative research with a strong background in IT; this dual background makes me proficient as both a researcher and a product manager.

In my current position as Senior Research Scientist at Education Development Center (EDC), I am Principal Investigator on two nationally-funded evaluation studies. 

I received my undergraduate degree in psychology from Brown University and my doctorate in Applied Psychology (Developmental program) from New York University. For my dissertation, I conducted a longitudinal investigation of narrative development in English-Spanish dual language learning children across narrative contexts and languages.


96 Morton St., 7th Floor

New York, NY 10014


LinkedIn:   /joy-lorenzo-kennedy-863a956/